Although children are of primary concern, oftentime finance presents its own problems for resolution..
HIGH INCOME EARNER / ASSET OWNER. At one end of the spectrum are those fortunate enough not to worry about finances. While this may seem enviable as a division of assets leaves neither in poverty, the conflict can be heightened. In a sense the affluent have most to lose in divorce, as substantial monies can be perceived as “lost” by one to another, a difficult feeling to overcome without external knowledge and proper advice. Unfortunately this can lead to confrontation, & since so much money is available, attorneys can pursue their respective legal views with rare zeal. This misses the point on a number of levels and takes no account of opportunity cost or social cost. As i have stressed throughout this website, monies expended in court are unlikely to result in a famous victory for either party, and this is as true for finances as it is for custody. With finances it is possible usually to see what the legal basis of division should be and further arguments devolve rapidly into subjectivity. Any court decision can be difficult or impossible to predict or subject to averaging and compromise. Further, better, imaginative solutions prioritizing objectives are available outside the strict legal framework, & a healthy attitude should prevail for long term benefit.
This firm has particular expertise in complex finances, as the principal managed over $3bn dollars in a variety of companies and instruments. It negotiates and drafts complex finance settlements, where a deep understanding of sophisticated issues and an ability to think laterally aids parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
In short, “Family Finance Unbundling” should be afforded the same if not more respect and caution than Commercial Mergers and Acquisitions; effective solutions are required to stabilize or enhance the future.
AVERAGE EARNER. At the other end of the spectrum, a fear expressed often by some, and not even considered by others before reality hits, is how to make ends by day. Two people under the same roof with their children is more economical than two different households. Duplication of clothes, housewares, accommodation do not allow for a simple halving. Lifestyles change do not always allowi a cheaper option. Even with the same total income , the costs of both now are higher than before.
No rule of thumb exists. The Court expects a net worth statement to be compiled, not only to assess the assets to be divided, but also to determine income and expenses. Yet the statement is quite static, and although regarded as critically important by Court, is often not a useful indicator of the real world. Some have told me costs have risen overall by 30% but frankly that’s not a reliable guide. There are some useful spreadsheets to help you predict finances, or at least focus on them. Be prepared therefore for an erosion of net income, and ensure you are on top of it.