Avoid Divorce
From the clients who unfortunately divorced, key mistakes they believe pivotal to their divorces, which they wish to share for the benefit of others still married. As one said, ‘at least this way some good can come from my hopeless situation’
- Don’t work in house with spouse there too. Exacerbates the tension.
- Don’t over-socialize on Facebook. Spirals quickly out of control.
Id regard this seriously, as its real life from the other side.
Avoid Confrontation in Court
From me. Thus to be regarded less seriously (seriously!).
- Don’t go on holiday when you are pleading poverty (either to get more money from spouse, or to reduce amounts you pay spouse). While everyone needs a chance to recharge & focus on oneself so as to carry on the daily grind, especially after divorce, think about the other party & how it looks. We don’t have to spend our lives worried about other people, but we do have to have some short term sensibility.